Beau Beasley has fished the waters of the Old Dominion since early childhood and knows them as only a native can. His insider’s knowledge of Virginia ranges from the mountain brook trout streams of the Shenandoah National Park to the salty windswept shores of the Chesapeake Bay. Although he’s pursued trout on Montana’s Bighorn River, landed every species of salmon in Alaska, and successfully brought to hand five-pound brook trout in Labrador, his first love is still fishing poppers on a Virginia farm pond.
Beau has garnered multiple awards for his articles covering conservation of such diverse species as menhaden and bonefish. He has distinguished himself as a thorough, impartial investigative journalist covering thorny issues like public sporting access to local waters and lands. His writing has appeared in numerous regional and national publications. Beau serves as the Director of the Virginia Fly Fishing & Wine Festival and the Texas Fly Fishing & Brew Festival.

As an event organizer who specializes in fly fishing retail festivals, I am often contacted for advice. Groups that have reached out to me for help range from small clubs, to state and country tourism agencies seeking my advice. If you’re putting on a similar event and want to hire me to do some consulting for you, please feel free to reach out to me. Pricing is based on services needed, and any travel that might be required.
If you’re a non-profit seeking help, I will work with you to make my services affordable. Please keep in mind however that I have been in the fly fishing space for more than 30 years, and managed fly fishing events for nearly that long as well. As a result, my experience has been hard earned and I there for do charge for my consulting services. I will gladly speak preliminary at you however at no charge to assess your needs.